Real Name:Ilja Zelkovsky
Profile:Psytrance artist from Israel
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Elevation Worship
Five years ago, God gathered Pastor Steven Furtick and seven other families to plant a church for the purpose of seeing people far from God be filled with life in Christ. In just a few short years, El ...
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Edwin Starr(艾德温-斯达)
Edwin Starr (艾德温·斯达)演唱的“; War ”;成为整整一代人的时代共鸣,他本人也成为美国反战歌手的代表。美国著名的音乐评论家 Dave Marsh 将 Edwin Starr 比喻为古希腊《荷马史诗》中的传令官 Stentor,称他洪 ...
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Evol是韩国新女子5人组合,BrandNewStardom 公司的艺人。赵PD倾力打造的新人女团EVOL在2012年8月9日公开了出道曲《我们有些不同》的MV。制作人给她们的定义为“;fierce”;,意为凶猛的、狂热的。强烈的风格也让人眼 ...
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主唱:Daniel Belleqvist
吉他:Feredrick Zall
鼓手:Robert Birming
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Enslavement of Beauty
Enslavement of Beauty,成立于1995年的挪威旋律黑金属乐团。虽然算得上是一支十多年的老团了,不过目前为止作品并不算多,仅仅发行了三张正式专辑。近期乐团刚刚发行了2009年的最新Ep作品《The Perdition》,也是因 ...
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by Eduardo Rivadavia
A black metal band from Kiel, Germany, Endstille were founded in the year 2000 by vocalist Iblis, guitarist Lars Wachtfels, bassist
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Endank Soekamti
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End Of Green
German rock band, which was formed 1992 in Stuttgart.
In 1996 the group published their first album, which four further followed.
end of green also became known by appearances with famous ...
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由主唱Ben Poher、贝斯/和音Benoit Jul ...
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