1吉他谱 1粉丝
Kilpi is a Finnish hard rock band, singing in Finnish.
The band
Kilpi means shield in Finnish. However, it actually is the guitarist and creator of the band's last name, Petteri Kil ...
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以女主唱Katra名字命名的五人芬兰交响歌特金属乐队Katra最新力作,有的曲目是旧曲的新演绎版(英文)。整张 ...
1吉他谱 1粉丝
A late 1990s born French rock band, Kaolin (members include Guillaume Cantillon (vocals and bass), Julien Cantillon (guitar and vocals), Ludwig Martins
1吉他谱 1粉丝
Heavy Metal
1吉他谱 1粉丝
Kaare Norge
Kaare Norge,著名的國際音樂家,從他28年前收到他的第一把吉他起,至今他已經創作了無數優美的音樂。
1980年,年僅17歲的 Kaare Noreg 進入Jutland音樂學院學習,師從國際上享有極高聲譽的 Leif ...
1吉他谱 1粉丝
1吉他谱 1粉丝
Conceived in 2005 from a string of old 4-track demos and further realized via a labyrinth of digital workstations and computer software, Kontakte emerged in early 2006. The concept was to blend organi ...
1吉他谱 1粉丝
A Kiscsillag együttes 2005 tavaszán alakult, szabadidő zenekarként, volt és jelenlegi Kispál és a Borz-tagokból: Leskovics Gábor, Lovasi András, Bräutigam Gábor, Ózdi Rezső. 12 számos d ...
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Kira(Kira Skov)
Danish songstress and songwriter. Kira left her home in Copenhagen at the age of 17 to pursue her dream of playing in a rock’n’roll band. For 8 years she journeyed through many foreign lands, which ...
1吉他谱 1粉丝