Molchat Doma(Молчат Дома)
12吉他谱 28粉丝
Marshmello (stylized marshmello) is an electronic dance music producer and DJ. He first gained international recognition by remixing songs by Jack Ü and Zedd, and later collaborated with artists incl ...
12吉他谱 25粉丝
&nbs ...
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Max Pie
Band Max Pie
Label Ultimhate Records
Formed 2005, Belgium
Status Activ ...
12吉他谱 1粉丝
Morrissey(莫里西 / Steven Patrick Morrissey)
Morrissey, The Smiths 乐队前主唱,1988年单飞,真正的偶像级摇滚诗人。在“;曼城之声”;潮流中扮演重要角色的THE SMITHS,早已是各路独立摇滚乐队新晋乐队的膜拜对象,比如STONE ROSES, NEW ORDER, OASIS... 乐队 ...
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Molly Hatchet
Named after a legendary Southern prostitute who allegedly beheaded and mutilated her clients, Jacksonville's Molly Hatchet meld loud hard rock boogie with guitar jam-oriented Southern rock. Formed in ...
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Moi Dix Mois
Mana (Guitar)
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Mike Stern(迈克·斯特恩)
MIKE STERN 目前是世界上最著名并且最受瞩目的混合爵士乐吉他手,被公认为当今乐坛的“;吉他之王”;。作为在过去的二 ...
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Madina Lake
Madina Lake 2005年成立, 主唱 Nathan Leone和贝斯手Matthew Leone是一队孪生兄弟, 成员还有吉他手Mateo Camargo和鼓手Dan Torelli.
Fusing the forceful guitars of heavy metal with crisp harmonies electr ...
12吉他谱 2粉丝
This long-lived Chicago trio became a cult favorite among death metal fans with their perverse themes that inspire just about as much boyish giggling as they do shock. Though Macabre was one of the fi ...
12吉他谱 1粉丝