
共有 858 个艺人
Platform 1 Platform 1

"Ken Vandermark can be a musician of many projects, but even the name "Platform 1" indicates that this is not simply one more band in his career. The title of the group's first album prepares ...

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Pig & Dan Pig & Dan

Pig & Dan的艺人档案

Igor Tchkotoua, Palma de Mallorca, Spain Sites:piganddan.com, MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, SoundCloud, SoundCloud, YouTube Members:Dan Duncan, Igor Tchkotoua


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P.O.V. P.O.V.


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Piraña Piraña



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Phèdre Phèdre

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Poverty's No Crime Poverty's No Crime


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Pop! Fiction Pop! Fiction

Pop! Fiction is a 4 piece pop band from sunny Southern California. Formed in April of 2011, this band has already accomplished more than most bands ever dream of. Their first show in June for 2011, ...

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P.R.O.S.T.I.T.U.T.A. P.R.O.S.T.I.T.U.T.A.

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Puss In Boots Puss In Boots(穿靴子的猫)

Puss in boots(穿靴子的猫)一支与电影同名的乐队成军于2005年,是一支来自巴黎电子摇滚乐队。他们的“边缘”音乐受另类摇滚风格等诸多因素的影响:从Dead Weather到 PJ Harvey摇滚态度,再到女子电子乐队Peache ...

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