
共有 1940 个艺人
Sleep Serapis Sleep Sleep Serapis Sleep(Sleep Serapis, Sleep!)

With a noose around her neck and tears in her eyes, a woman contemplates her death. She has spent weeks imprisoned, tearing our her hair, screaming herself hoarse with cries of innocence. Afte ...

0吉他谱 1粉丝
St. Lola In the Fields St. Lola In the Fields

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Surturs Lohe(2) Surturs Lohe(2)

"Surturs Lohe" translates to "Surtur's blaze". In Nordic mythology Surtr is the leader of the fire giants and the ruler of Muspelheim, the realm of fire.

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Skryty Puvab Byrokracie Skryty Puvab Byrokracie(Skrytý Půvab Byrokracie)


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Sam Humans & The Heligoats Sam Humans & The Heligoats

Sam Humans & The Heligoats的艺人档案


0吉他谱 1粉丝
Sweet 17 Sweet 17

Genre: Club / Electro / Pop
Location Los Angeles, California, US
Profile Views: 53924
Last Login: 31/03/2011
Member Since 25/07/2007
Website www.sweet17music.com

0吉他谱 1粉丝
Skendöd Skendöd


冰岛双人抑郁黑,2008年成立,成员árni【Dysthymia,árstíeir lífsins, Carpe Noctem, Livsnekad】、Ulf Nylin【Korpblod, Level Above Human, Livsnekad, Murmurs, R?dare ...

0吉他谱 1粉丝
Spüolus Spüolus

匈牙利单人葬礼厄运,成立于2009年,成员Szabó Void.

0吉他谱 1粉丝
2Cellos 2Cellos(Sulic & Hauser)

 Sulic & Hauser是两位出自克罗地亚刚出道的年轻大提琴家,国内关于他们的资料并不多。他们在Youtube上上传了自己录制并翻奏的双大提琴版Smooth Criminal(原唱迈克尔杰克逊)而一举成名。Sulic & Hauser这 ...

0吉他谱 1粉丝
Silence(2) Silence(2)

0吉他谱 1粉丝