创建人:Practice1994 主题: 6 评论: 0 订阅: 0
Aurora Borealis
John H. Clarke asabale 13452 5 2018-3-1 2
La Vie En Rose
Edith Piaf ws45551580 13777 4 2015-9-6 1
GTP谱 指弹
Killing Me Softly With His Song
Charles Fox 红疯 2939 1 2015-5-22 1
Blame It On The Moon
Katie Melua 吉他小懒 2105 0 2015-2-15 3
While Your Lips Are Still Red
Nightwish winight 9671 1 2014-3-28 1
GTP谱 Acoustic
Down by the Salley Garden
藤田恵美 waterforlich 16874 2 2013-4-1 1
GTP谱 指弹