创建人:jitashe_WjVUK8u 主题: 6 评论: 0 订阅: 0
Conquering Dystopia 晓虎 2686 1 2016-9-21 4
GTP谱 总谱
Ashes Of Lesser Men
Conquering Dystopia Jeanhjy 2550 0 2015-8-23 7
GTP谱 总谱
Prelude To Obliteration
Conquering Dystopia 吉他小懒 1890 0 2015-5-22 5
Shouting Fire At A Funeral
Jeff Loomis 红疯 3067 0 2015-2-8 6
GTP谱 总谱
Miles Of Machines
Jeff Loomis 红疯 2455 0 2015-2-8 5
GTP谱 总谱