创建人:Richards 主题: 5 评论: 0 订阅: 0
I Worship Chaos
Children of Bodom 翔之翊 2886 0 2015-8-23 6
GTP谱 总谱
Third Day Of A Seven Day Binge
Marilyn Manson 小沛 4773 2 2015-2-22 4
GTP谱 总谱
Antichrist Superstar
Marilyn Manson winight 4332 0 2014-5-27 5
GTP谱 总谱
Children Of Decadence
Children of Bodom waterforlich 2755 0 2013-11-28 6
GTP谱 乐队版
The Fight Song
Marilyn Manson waterforlich 6304 0 2013-11-19 5
GTP谱 乐队版