吉他谱: 1 粉丝: 1

全 名: Titiyo Yambalu Felicia Jah
  简 称: Titiyo,提提优(中文音译)
  国 籍: 瑞典
  生 日: 1967年7月23日
  职 业: 歌手,音乐创作
  风 格: 流行音乐,索尔(soul,又译为“灵魂乐”)
  主 页: www.titiyo.com


  Titiyo出生在瑞典一个艺术氛围浓厚的家庭,她的父亲Amahdu Jah是一位塞拉利昂鼓手,母亲Monika Karlsson是被人们称作Moki Cherry 的画家。她的姐姐是著名歌手Neneh Cherry,而同母异父的弟弟是著名歌手Eagle-Eye Cherry。Titiyo小时候一直生活在瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩西北的桑拉镇(Sonla)。

  一次很偶然的机会,Titiyo和姐姐到伦敦的录音棚唱歌,第一次发现她拥有演唱的天赋。随后,Titiyo便开始为很多的瑞典音乐人唱背景乐部分,其中著名的歌曲包括:《Army of Lovers》和《Jakob Hellman》。
  直到1989年,Titiyo才发行了自己的第一张个人专辑,开始在瑞典乐坛崭露头角。其中的单曲《My Body Says Yes》在北美极受欢迎;另一首单曲《Man in the Moon》则风靡瑞典,更值得一提的是,这首《Man in the Moon》是第一首在瑞典流行的索尔(灵魂)音乐,同时也成为了瑞典现代黑人音乐的代表作品;而在英国,更是有三首单曲上榜:1990年,《After The Rain》上榜三周,《Flowers》上榜一周;1994年,《Tell Me I'm Not Dreaming》上榜两周。然而在此后的几年时间里,Titiyo的作品再没有如此风光过,她的音乐生涯陷入了低谷。
  2001年,随着Titiyo的第四张个人专辑《Come Along》的大获成功,她的音乐生涯也进入了又一个黄金时期。专辑中的同名歌曲《Come Along》还打入了国际市场。这张专辑的歌曲由The Cardigans(羊毛衫合唱团)的Peter Svensson和Kent乐队的Joakim Berg合作完成,专辑和它的主打歌曲都登上了瑞典音乐排行榜的首位,同时,主打歌曲《Come Along》风靡欧洲,在法国、德国、瑞士和荷兰都取得了很大的成功。而另一首主打歌曲《1989》虽然没能取得所预期的成功,但是依然进入了法国年度流行音乐前30的名单。
  又经过一段漫长的等待,2004年,Titiyo推出了名为《Best of Titiyo》的专辑,除了收录了Titiyo之前四张专辑中的经典作品之外,同时也收录的几首新作品,其中的《Loving Out of Nothing》成为了2005年瑞典最流行的20首歌之一。
  2008年的春天,Titiyo应邀为Kleerup的单曲《Longing for Lullabies》演唱背景乐。该单曲于2008年4月在斯堪的纳维亚半岛发行,很快就跻身丹麦流行音乐的前20名和瑞典流行音乐的前10名。另外,Titiyo还打算在2008发行她的下一张专辑,并表示这张专辑将在与其他艺人合作完成的前提下,更多的体现她个人的风格。

  Titiyo的丈夫是音乐制作人Magnus Frykberg,女儿Femi出生于1992年。

The title of Sweden's Queen of Soul might not seem one of modern music's most coveted crowns but, in Sweden itself, there is little doubt that Titiyo not only merits all the acclaim lavished by her homeland, but that international acclaim has already demolished borders across much of Europe too.

Titiyo Jah was born in Stockholm in 1967, the half sister of singer Neneh Cherry -- their father is Sierra Leone-born percussionist Ahmaduja of the Africa Hi-Life Orchestra. It was Cherry who first pointed Titiyo in the direction of performing, encouraging her to sing and prompting her, too, to seek out musical directions that Swedish pop had rarely visited in the past. By 1987, Titiyo was fronting her own band, performing rare groove covers on the Stockholm circuit before signing to the local Telegram label in 1989.

Titiyo scored her first hit that June, when "Talking to the Man in the Moon" climbed to number six on the Swedish chart. "After the Rain" reached number 13 in November and the following summer brought Titiyo's self-titled debut album. It reached number three and also brought her to the attention of American audiences, via a well-received Arista release. An imminent breakthrough, however, was placed on hold when Titiyo withdrew for two years to raise her newborn first child; it was September 1993 before she resurfaced, with a cover of Aretha Franklin's "Never Let Me Go," a number 25 Swedish hit.

This Is Titiyo, her second album, followed in 1993. Featuring guest appearances from both of her parents (Titiyo's mother is an accomplished pianist), the album spun off further hits "Back and Forth" and "Tell Me I'm Not Dreaming" and, even before Titiyo made her London debut at the Astoria in February 1994, garage remixes of several tracks were established club favorites.

Over the next two years, Titiyo's activities were largely confined to guest work. She appeared with the Blacknuss All Stars ("It Should Have Been With You") and Stakka Bo & the Flesh Quartet ("We Vie"), and duetted with sibling Eagle-Eye Cherry on a track from the Best Laid Plans movie soundtrack, "Worried Eyes." Her own next album, Extended, finally arrived in late 1997, a self-produced/composed epic highlighted by the hit single "Josefin Dean."

As usual, another lengthy silence followed the album's release, a four-year gap that was finally broken in 2001 by Come Along. Recorded with the songwriting team of Peter Svensson (the Cardigans) and Jocke Berg (Kent), and produced by Tore Johansson, Come Along received a U.S. release (through Lava) in August 2002.
