Kevin Kern
吉他谱: 5 粉丝: 8


KEVIN KERN,新英格兰音乐学院钢琴硕士,珍爱今生的钢琴,散发出活跃、引人深省的聆赏魅力,即使是在极弱到几乎无声的乐段,依然洋溢出无法言喻的深刻情感,前三张畅销专集《In the Enchanted Garden》、《Summer Daydreams》、《Beyond the Sundial》在全球销售皆已突破金唱片,张张皆为行家指定收藏的新世纪名盘。

凯文·柯恩一生下来就在朦胧的视觉下,依靠触觉和感觉来摸索世界,正因如此,他反而多出一份其他钢琴师无法模仿的细腻与敏感,视觉对他而言,只能以“回忆”两字来形容,他必须靠着点字乐谱学习乐理,靠着触摸来找寻琴键,求学的过程更是屡受闭门羹的打击,然而“上帝关了这扇门,一定会为你重开一扇窗。”种种的磨练,给予了凯文-柯恩达观的性格,磨出优于常人的音感,与对音乐的敏锐直觉。 凯文与著名的钢琴家 Jaki Byard,乔治•鲁塞尔,弗雷德•赫斯奇和威廉•托马斯•麦金利一起学习。在毕业以后,他在波士顿生活工作了 10 年。


Kevin Kern是目前最受大众欢迎的NewAge钢琴键盘演奏家和作曲家,由他担纲的个人钢琴NewAge音乐专辑广受好评。这张合辑是他发行过的前五张专辑的精选,同时收录了几首新作。
《In The Enchanted Garden》(绿色花园),这张曾于Billboard New Age音乐排行榜Top10上蝉连26周、也是新世纪钢琴史上最重要的十张专辑之一的,是新世纪钢琴家Kevin Kern弹奏出的四季最优音乐,无论是在酷暑或是在寒冬,平和细腻的《In The Enchanted Garden》都能化解心中的烦闷、带来温适,而这张被评论家比喻为「雨滴声响」的钢琴专辑,同时也充满了无限的冥想空间!
《绿色花园》优美清晰的钢琴音乐,新音乐的钢琴及键琴手KEVIN KERN奏出超纯净高雅的感觉,亲切的旋律,拌着轻柔的弦乐、可听的吉他声,没经任何修饰,犹如耳边细语。夜已经很深了,转眼间,秋天又到了,风悄悄地用冰冷的手抚摸着我的身体,然而,在KEVIN KERN的钢琴声中,却感受到的是一种恬静的氛围,单纯的钢琴,强劲的击键声,深夜无人时,分外的清脆,带给我们的效果也分外明显,温柔是对于我如此的需要和渴望,他带给我了,而我给它的却是我的疲劳,在众多朋友都喜欢的《绿色花园》中,好想闭目休息休息一会…… 朋友们,来一起听听最恬静优美的《绿色花园》,它可以让你想起许多情感!


Kevin Kern was a child prodigy playing the piano at the astounding age of eighteen months. He began studying with a private tutor at the age of four. Founding his own group, the Well Tempered Clavichord at age fourteen they made their professional debut. Kevin attended the University Of Michigan's School Of Music and studied with renowned pianist Mischa Kottler.

Kevin received a Master's Degree in Performance and a Bachelor of Music Degree from the New England Conservatory Of Music. After leaving school he played the local scene of Boston for ten years. In 1990, Kevin moved to San Francisco and began playing live gigs. The more he played, the larger his audience grew. Already an accomplished musician, Kevin was discovered in 1995 by Terence Yallop, the founder of Real Music label. He was at the time playing piano in a local San Francisco hotel. After signing Kevin to the label, he immediately started working on his first album. With an incredible flair for composition, the songs seemed to come from him effortlessly. 1996 was the beginning of his record career with the release of In the Enchanted Garden. It was an instant hit among the new age, jazz, and classical audience. It also became a critic's favorite. His second release, Beyond the Sundial, takes the music to another level. Kevin's influences run right across the board. His music is melodic and truly inspiring. With the release of Summer Daydreams, in 1998, Kevin returns to the scene with more incredible compositions, adding violin and cello to the arrangements; In My Life followed in 1999 and Embracing the Wind was issued in early 2001. Kevin Kern is a definite mainstay in the world of music.

Kevin Kern的吉他谱

Sundial Dreams
cghyaoyao 6392 4 2
GTP谱 古典吉他
Though The Arbor(穿越林荫)
waterforlich 20013 2 1
GTP谱 指弹 钢琴
Sundial Dreams(日晷之梦)
妖精的葬礼 14744 2 1
GTP谱 指弹 C调 古典吉他
Sundial Dreams(日晷之梦)
再回首罔然如梦 7796 3 1
GTP谱 古典吉他