本帖*后由 我是落实穿 于 2015-2-28 18:12 编辑 ![]() 主唱万人迷,吉他手妻妾成群,鼓手幸福美满,贝斯手只有满手老茧,孤独终老。 为什么总黑贝斯手?
![]() 落老师刚进大学玩乐队那会,贝斯手通常是属于吉他弹不顺溜但是至少懂点和弦走向的同学担当。大家看校园里大部分三脚猫的贝斯手,也就会一些简单的和弦分解,再不行拨两下根音也就混过去了。这导致了很多不明真相的群众认为贝斯很水。 其实不然,一个优秀的贝斯手的综合能力是非常强的,怎么也得会slap吧,会即兴布鲁斯吧,乐理还要很好,能够与鼓和主音互动等等等等。 但是吉他就不一样了,乐理不懂没问题,扫几个六大和弦,弹点汪老师的歌,吼两句怒放的生命,骗骗刚入学的无知少女还是够的。与吉他比起来,贝斯单打独斗的能力还是有限。 可能是恶性循环吧,由于对贝斯的许多固有成见,乐队里的贝斯普遍比较忧郁沉闷,一脸面瘫,相较手舞足蹈的鼓手,无敌风骚的主音和不停与观众互动的主唱,贝斯明显显得霸气内敛,骚气不足。 而老百姓在台下,谁都不看,就看谁张嘴唱,然后又有很多乐队的主音即主唱,鼓在后面看不见,在前台的只剩下一个贝斯,看上去愣愣的,所以大家总黑贝斯:“他弹的是啥,你听见了么?” 这只能说你不懂贝斯啊,其实他的奇妙之处在于控制整个乐队的律动。甚至可以说贝斯是整个乐队的点睛。尤其是鼓和贝斯的合作,极大提升了乐队效果的魅力值。 你想,贝斯的弦比吉他粗,琴头又比吉他长,又粗又长,能不牛逼么? 下面一个solo视频也许能够让大家对贝斯手有所改观~重点在一分钟以后。 演奏者名叫Andy C Saxton,是贝斯界十分年轻的大师级演奏家。 关于ANDY SAXTON
BPU:When did you get your first bass? AS:I got my first bass as a birthday present when I was 15. BPU:How did you start playing, and where did you study bass, or self-taught? AS:I was the lead singer in a band at high school and I got kicked out because the guitarist (who formed the band) suddenly decided he could sing. We didn’t have a bassist so he said I either learn bass or not be in the band anymore. Luckily my birthday was around the corner, and my dad and I went to a music shop where he bought me an Aria Legend fender copy) I then took up some weekly private bass lessons from a local bass teacher also called Andy! BPU:What where your inspirations and trials you ran into? AS:I took to bass very easily and I picked up techniques like slap fast. The only problem I had was I didn’t like the boring theory stuff which I regret not knuckling down and learning more of. Perhaps I could have been a much greater bassist, or maybe it would of narrowed my creativity with the instrument. I do know some theory but I have never used to to write any songs. ![]() BPU:Who would name as your biggest influence? AS:Stuart Zender probably for his slap style and his awesome bass lines in the early Jamiroquai stuff. BPU:Can you tell us a little about your gear? AS:Now a days all my gear I use live is mainly equipment from my studio, I use a lot of focusrite preamps, I have KRK studio monitors and I use Lynx Technology AD/DA convertors. The sound I can get through my studio rig is my favorite bass sound, especially coupled with the plugins I have for my UAD DSP card. I especially love UAD’s ‘Pultec Pro’ and ‘Neve 1081′ EQ’s on bass. I also use another effect for my ‘Chorus’ sound but that info’s top secret! BPU:What type of music do you enjoy playing most? AS:I love playing music with rhythmic displacement, polyrhythms, this opens up more opportunities for me to develop myself musically. BPU:What is the biggest thing to recommend any bass player at any level? AS:Learn to walk before you run! BPU:What types of strings and fingerboard combinations do you like? AS:I love Elixir Nanoweb Medium Gauge, with an added high ‘C’ I am endorsed with Elixir although I am not mentioned on their website. BPU:You’ve played along side many familiar musicians such as Bon Jovi, Sepultura, Alexisonfire, My Chemical Romance, and many more. What do you take from those experiences? AS:I have learned that if I go to a major bands gig and the support band sound crap, it may not be their fault. It may be because they were given a 10min sound check, limited channels on the FOH mixing console (so the main band sound much bigger than them sonically) and they could be very tired from sleeping in their beaten up van the previous night. I also learned that big rock/metal bands play to backing tracks to thicken their sound up a lot. BPU:What do you look for in a bass? AS:At least 24 frets, low action, small string spacing, punchy acoustically (when slapped about) looks sexy! BPU:Your album Evolution Of The Thumb showed of great diversity of talents! Can you tell us a little about your latest album, Drum & Bass? AS:I set myself a challenge of creating a dynamically heavy EP without touching a electric guitar once. There are no other instruments or samples here other than my bass playing and a drum kit. The 5 track EP is called ‘Drum & Bass’ because I have used my bass guitar for everything i.e. using guitar amps and guitar fx on bass. I am very proud of what I have achieved so far with my knowledge of sound design and passion for giving bass guitar a fresh and hopefully unique voice. BPU:Can you tell us about any future/current projects you are working on? AS:My next release is an E.P. with a solo acoustic star who lives in Thailand. He goes under the name Aplin and he is famous in Thailand (he gets played on the radio there, his music is used on feature films and he plays live on MTV etc) Aplin, or rather his real name Ashley has developed the acoustic percussive technique that Andy Mckee and Antoine Dufour play. Together we called ourselves ‘The Reunion’ because we wrote the first song on the E.P. within minutes of seeing each other again for a very long time.The EP is finished and is in the final stages of mixing. It is very relaxing and beautiful music. If anyone liked ‘Fair Weather’ from my first album they will love this EP. I am also half way through writing and recording ‘Drum & Bass’ EP 2
下期预告 R:原来贝斯手那么厉害啊~但是在一个乐队中,贝斯solo的机会还是不如主音多,要是再碰上主唱帅的,贝斯还是得孤独终老啊~ L:唔,是这样没错啦,但是还是有可能逆袭的机会的。 R:比如说? L:比如说,我有特殊的抢镜技巧~欢迎期待下一期,落老师将教你如何科学地抢走主唱和主音的风头。(贝斯和鼓,你们的福音来啦!)