艺人: Earth, Wind & Fire  (乐谱: 25  粉丝: 5)
歌曲: Shining Star   专辑: Gratitude
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Shining Star


Intro- Guitar goes through once, then bass comes in: G:|--------------------------------------| D:|-----------2-2-----------------5-5-4-2| A:|-------2-4-----4-2---5-5-4-2-X--------| E:|0-0-4--------------4------------------| After that comes the verse. You may want to add in a couple notes to give it some flavor the general pattern and what you can get away with is this. Go through this 4 times G:|------X|------7|------9|------12-12-11-X-9-X-7-9| D:|-------|-------|-------|------------------------| A:|-------|-------|-------|------------------------| E:|0-0-0--|0-0-0--|0-0-0--|0-0-0-------------------| In the song there are other parts used in the last measure. Now here's the cool part. You can play it slap if you have the right kind of bass, just accent it as you please. Half of a Chorus (play 2 times instead of usual four) G:|-----11------4---9-8--| Yes there are four chords marked by the /.For D:|----------------------| fingering I reccomend you using your index and A:|----------------------| middle finger. E:|5-10----10-3---3-8-7--| / / G:|-----11------4---9-10| D:|---------------------| A:|---------------------| E:|5-10----10-3---3-8-9-| / / Bridge: G:|--------|--|-------------------------|12-12| D:|--------|X2|-------------------------|-----| A:|3-------|--|-------------------------|-----| E:|--3--5-3|--|3-4-5-5-6-7-7-8-9-9-10-11|-----|
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