
标题:Mesmerised by Fire


专辑:Death by Fire



The tab is not 100% accurate, especialy about the 
guitar solos. Other than that, I hope it will still be usefull 
for someone who wants to play the song. Please, send 
corrections and suggestions in 

节拍:Moderate ♩ = 240

  1. Olof Wikstrand - 驱动音效吉他 Overdriven Guitar
  2. Joseph Tholl - 驱动音效吉他 Overdriven Guitar
  3. Tobias Lindqvist - 指拨电贝司 Electric Bass(finger)
  4. Jonas Wikstrand - 敲击乐器
  5. Olof Wikstrand - 合成主音2(锯齿波) Lead 2 (sawtooth)
  6. 捡汜盹 6 - 管风琴 Church Organ
歌曲: Mesmerized by Fire
Mesmerized by fire!! 

Pounding on through the night
The gates of hell soon reveals
You can’t escape your fate is sealed
Sadistic powers for real

Violent your death unfolds
Close to touch the jaws
Living on evil
Death has you in it’s claws

Burning alive, pray for death to take your hand
Hear yourself crying out to blackened skies

Behold-You will die-Tonight
Mesmerized by fire
Your death-Unfolds-Tonight
Mesmerized by fire

Frozen with fear with burning mind
Your time is running out
A look into eager eyes
Reveals the devil’s wrath

Feeling the flames licking your cheeks
Fulfilling the dark evil spell
Choking on the burning air
Sets you off through the casts of hell

Burning alive, pray for death to take your hand
Hear yourself crying out to blackened skies

Behold-You will die-Tonight
Mesmerized by fire
Your death-Unfolds-Tonight
Mesmerized by fire

Pagan sacrifice, fumes of burning flesh will rise
No one to help you, not to save you
Death has taken you!!!!!

Set the devil’s sign in flames, and raise it to the sky
Death by fire
You are burning
You are burning in hell