标题:Midlife Crisis
副标题:Track #3
艺人:Faith No More
专辑:Angel Dust
作词:Mike Patton
作曲:Faith No More
指示:No fancy tunings or effects needed
While I know most of you on ultimate-(((guitar))) are only looking for guitar and bass tabs, I realize that most of this song isn't really centered around either. So all in all, this should be a pretty simple song to learn. With the help of Rock Band 3, I was able to utilize each individual note for the very ambiguous parts of the song, therefore everything is indeed 100% correct.
节拍:Hard Rock ♩ = 107
go on and wring my neck like when a rag gets wet a lit-tle dis-ci-pline for my pet gen-ious my head is like let-tuce go on dig your thumbs in I can-not stop give in I'm thir-ty some-thing sense of sec-ur-i-ty like poc-kets jin-gle-ling mid-life cri-sis suck in-ge-nu-i-ty down through the fam-i-ly tree you're per-fect yes it's true but with-out me-e you're on-ly you your men-stru-a-ting heart it ain't blee-ding en-ough for two it's a mid-life cri-sis it's a mid-life cri-sis what an in-her-i-tance the salt and the klee-nex mor-bid self at-ten-sion bend-ing my pink-y back a lit-tle dis-ci-pline a do-nor by ha-bit a lit-tle dis-ci-pline rent an o-pin-ion sense of sec-ur-i-ty hol-ding blunt in-stru-ment mid-life cri-sis I'm a per-fec-tion-ist And per-fect is a skinned knee you're per-fect yes it's true but with-out me-e you're on-ly you your men-stru-a-ting heart it ain't blee-ding en-ough for two yeah yeah yeah yeah cri-sis cri-sis you're per-fect yes it's true but with-out me-e you're on-ly you your men-stru-a-ting heart it ain't blee-ding en-ough for two you're per-fect yes it's true but with-out me-e you're on-ly you your men-stru-a-ting heart it ain't blee-ding en-ough for two you're per-fect yes it's true but with-out me-e you're on-ly you your men-stru-a-ting heart it ain't blee-ding en-ough for two you're per-fect yes it's true but with-out me-e you're on-ly you your men-stru-a-ting heart it ain't blee-ding en-ough for two