When fas-hi-on is your pas-si-on, at first glance leaves a las-ting im-pres-si-on. Pa-ris cat wa-lks, big small tal-ks, the cas-ting couch pro-mise that'-ll put you wor-se off.
Eve-ry eve-ning Lon-dons recei-ving- a beat mach-ine man made and so de-cei-ving. We got the groove no-w we'-ll show the world how to wake this pla-net up with a ne-w sound now.
I'm in-to fas-hion just be-cause of you- it ain't the flash man- it's down to attitude- I'm in-to fas-hion all be-cause of you- I got new fas-hion just de-signed for you-
Silk e-me-rald is-lands- dia-man-te high lands- a vogue sale scheme, just an emp-ty day- dream. Child la-bour- out of fa-vour-, fas-hion can have such a nas-ty fla-vour
I'm in-to fas-hion just be-cause of you- it ain't the flash man- it's down to attitude- I'm in-to fas-hion all be-cause of you- I got new fas-hion just for you-
Hand me downs, I wear my rags well- I mix, match and I ma-ke it gel. Just hand it down I'm break-ing new ground You'll al-ways find me in a thrift store whee-lin' a-round
I'm in-to fas-hion just be-cause of you- it ain't the flash man- it's down to attitude- I'm in-to fas-hion all be-cause of you- I got new fas-hion just for you-
I'm in-to fas-hion just be-cause of you- it ain't the flash man- it's down to attitude- I'm in-to fas-hion all be-cause of you- I got new fas-hion just for you
I'm in-to fas-hion 'cause of you