Hi. I'm Aaron Harrell, and this is my first tab.
If you'd like to check out my personal music or covers, feel free to go to:
(my one-man progressive rock band and where I upload my covers) and:
(my heavier band)
I have a facebook and Jousting with Jet Planes does, - so you can look me up and talk music, and help support my band - and I have an Instagram - urnhurrell - for my art.
I felt your sickness... So I gave chase, and found it finally, For every lover you have ruined!I wll take a part of you!I laid the mortar in betwen!I made a throne for hope to sit!Today I bury you in me!Oh!I'll!hold!you!asyouhaveheldme!you'vemeinyourheart!we'll!be!We'llbesetfreefrom!