A bit of credit for this one goes to Steve Rubaszek for laying the basis for this tab. I looked through it and made quite a few changes based on what I heard listening to the song.
This song is fucking savage, rhythm guitar is nuts. I removed the solo from his tab because its very boring in my opinion, and none of the guitarists learn that solo for live shows, they just improvise their own. Some of the riffs in this song were hard for me to hear, so I just approximated as much as I could what I could hear, and what I could gather from live videos.
Guitarist is kind of sloppy here, like he needed a bar or two to get into the riff.There's a little octave melody on the gallops second time through, it's kind of hidden and quiet.There's a little octave melody on the gallops second time through, it's kind of hidden and quiet.Again, hidden octave melody on the gallops, second time through.Again, hidden octave melody on the gallops, second time through.