You thought you had it in the bag
Thought you had it all fi-gured out
But now you're ha-ving se-cond thoughts
You don't real-ly know your ins fr-om outs
You won't ac-cept the lot you've drawn
You can't face the er-ror of your ways
You turned your back and walked aw-ay
Se-em bent on finding bet-ter da-y-s
How long did your dream car-ry on
How long did your dream spin a-round
How long did your dream car-ry on
How long did your dream spin a-round
You'd bet-ter grab your things and run
All your friends have left you be-hind
I have no an-swers for you now
I just wish you had an open mi-n-d
How long did your dream car-ry on
How long did your dream spin a-round
How long did your dream car-ry on
How long did your dream spin a-round