It's so se- rious, Theydestroyed allof usAll mycom-rades they havego-o-oneI'll endure the pain, Thishate I can-not tameSole sur-vi-vor alone in sp-aceI was changed to kill the enemyBut they launched me into sp-ace[Lockedout] - five lonesome years[Locked theydon't know that I'm stillhe- e- re[Lockedfor 2000 daysso much time to prayHear, our fate is just like yoursIt's re- strainedbydoubt-ful curesWe will help you to be freeTo turn and make them seeHear, islikere-cureswillhelpyoutofreeToandthemseeI de- li-berate How I can in-filtrateAll my ven-geance must come trueNo steel ba-rricades Could save 'em from my rageWhole desi-re born of hateNow I'm setfree from non-gravityAnd I must no longer stay[Locked theydon't know that I'm stillherestill I am a-live (So) muchtime to build up (my) hate