节拍:Moderate ♩ = 136
- Lead Vocals - 合成主音3(汽笛风琴) Lead 3 (calliope lead)
- Backing Vocals - 合成主音3(汽笛风琴) Lead 3 (calliope lead)
- Clean Guitar 1 - 爵士乐电吉他 Electric Guitar (jazz)
- Clean Guitar 2 - 爵士乐电吉他 Electric Guitar (jazz)
- Synth - 中提琴 Viola
- Piano - 大钢琴 Acoustic Grand Piano
- Lead Guitar - 失真音效吉他 Distortion Guitar
- Rhythm Guitar (8 string) - 驱动音效吉他 Overdriven Guitar
- Bass - 指拨电贝司 Electric Bass(finger)
- Drums - 敲击乐器
标记:Calm IntroBand IntroVerse 1Bridge 1Verse 2Bridge 2Chorus 1Guitar SoloKey ChangePiano BreakChorus 2
One step back
Take two leaps for-ward
And with bait-ed breath we wait
For gen-er-a-tion X to fade
Em-bra-cing the em-an-ci-pa- tion
How will hist-'ry re-mem-ber?
Our mast-er-piece chis-eled to dirt
Coll-aps-ing pill-ars of the Earth
The march of pro-gress in re-verse
Love fills my life-less heart
Eyes flick-er in the dark
Two steps back
One leap for-ward
You let your shack-les fall with grace
Still count-ing on that wish you made
To reach out far be-yond the pa- ale
How I long to fe-el a-live
Be-stow u-pon these vi-tal signs
The lu-nar path dic-tates the tide
Will we e-ver reach the shore-line?
How we ans-wer to the gods
Am-ong the men cre-at-ing us-
As I in-hale the hurr-i-cane
I touch the void and feel no pain
Res-olve to car-ry on
An-o-ther life a-waits be-yond
The hor-i-zon e-volves and will en-sure
Our sur-vi-val
We are the re-vo-lu-tion
Re-solve to carr-y on
An-o-ther life a-waits be-yond
The hor-i-zon e-volves and will en-sure
Our sur-vi-val
We are the re-vo-lu-tion