Intro:Riff A:Riff A:Verse 1:Coming from the se - wereagecreepin' thru the pipesBorn from modern chemistry athing that is a - liveGrowing in this rotten crap atplac - es no one wipesEating rats and stinking shit andall it needs to thrive ThePre-Chorus:sci - en - tists gotNo way to fight For theycan't find a - ny weak points to getrid of it rightYoulive your life and you don'tknow whats going onYoujust can't stop a thinking that the o-- fficials do you wrongYou'reVerse 2:sometimes wondering what the hell bit your baby's armAnd the nuns at the holy mission can'tkeep the tramps from harmEven thiefs around dark corners Tooscared to leave the door Fru--strated businessmen needing a wank Can'tfind themselves a whore Youwon't be - lieve till youknow that it's real From thepain in your stomach and thehorror that you feel Youneed a shit so youhead off to the loo You'recoming to the bog, nowwhat you're gonna do!There's theChorus:Rep - tile! Rep - tile!Just see his eyesCan you see the beast a -- riseCreeping up on youRep - tile! Rep - tile! There'snothing left that you candoSolo Rhythm:Solo 1:Yo! (?)Solo 2:And there's theHidden till nowRep - tile! Rep - tile! Butnow it's there you don't knowhowRep - tile! Rep - tile! Justwatch it growRep - tile! Rep - tile! Andthere's no more human being left butyouOutro Chorus:You...You..Watch out!Outro:How?Oerrrps!