Tune down 1/2 step and capo 2nd fret to be same key as recordingOoooohBaby don't you wanttoBaby don't you wanttogogoOooohOooohBaby don't you wantBaby don't you wanttoBack to the landof Californiaof CaliforniaTo mysweet homeChicagosweet homeOoooooohBaby don't you wanttoBaby don't you wanttogogoOooohBaby don't you wantBaby don't you wantgoof California to myof California to mysweet homeChicagosweet homeNowone and one is twoone and one is twoTwo and two is fourTwo and two is fourI'm heavy loaded babyI'mI'm heavy loaded babyI'mbooked I gotta gobooked I gotta goCryin'ba-ba-byHoney don't you wantHoney don't you wantback to the landof CaliforniaTo mysweet homeChicagoNowNowtwo and two is fourtwo and two is fourFour and two is sixFour and two is sixYou gon'keep on monk-ey'n 'round here, friend boy, gon' get yourkeep on monk-ey'n 'round here, friend boy, gon' get yourbusiness all in a trickbusiness all in a trick but I'm cryin'Ba-Ba-Honey don't you wanttoback to the landTo mySix and two is eightSix and two is eightEight and tow is tenEight and tow is tenFriend-boy she trick you one timesheFriend-boy she trick you one timeshesure gonna do it again but I'm cryin' heysure gonna do it again but I'm cryin' heyheyheytoBaby don't you wanttoto the landto myI'mGoing to CaliforniafromGoing to Californiafromthere to De Moines I waythere to De Moines I waysomebody will tell me that yousomebody will tell me that youneed my help someday cryin'need my help someday cryin'HeyheyHeyheybaby don't you wantbaby don't you wantgoof California