this is the theme (complete first chorus) for one solo guitar.
The usual leadsheets tell you about chords, melody and bassline. Bass is moving nicely along with the melody here.
This is not only a jazz standard chord/melody arranged for some guitar voicings, but transcribed note for note from the original piano trio recording, as played by the composer himself:
So here you can learn how the theme can be played on one guitar and sound closest to Bill Evans. You will discover more little melodies hidden inside the chords. Maybe you get a deeper understanding of how the song was meant to be. (That was the reason I transcribed it for me to practice.)
It is written out as I play it on guitar, I did it by ear, it is not related to any piano sheet music that might be out there.
The beginning is pretty simple, it gets more difficult along the way, and the end is very hard (close to impossible) to play, I'm still working on it :) You may want to simplify that last part, but I left the transcription as it is, so everybody can decide for him/herself.