标题:Bohemian Rhapsody
副标题:Arranged by Fabio Lima
艺人:Music by Queen
和弦:F#m7/E D#dim E7/B A F#m7 A7 D G D/F# Bm7 E7 Bb/D A/C# Ab/C Cm6(b5) E/B E F#m Bm F#m/A AbØ Em A5 C#5(#5) Ddim/F Em7 G# C#/G# G#dim C# G7add13 Gb D#7 G#7 A# G/D Ddim D5 Bb5 Ab5 Db5 C5 Em7/D D D7Msus2 C#7 A9 A Gdim/Bb Db Gm Dadd11/A B5 E/G# Edim/G
- Classic Guitar - 尼龙弦吉他 Acoustic Guitar (nylon)
标记:IntroVerse 1Verse 2Guitar SoloVerse 3Verse 4Guitar Solo
Is this the real life?
Is this just fan-ta-sy?
+Caught +++in a land-slide,''
No es-cape +++++from ++++++++re-++++a-li-ty
O-pen your eyes
Look up to the skies and see
I'm just a poor boy, I need no sym-pa-thy
++Be- cause I'm eas-y come, eas-y go,
Lit-tle high, lit- tle low,
A-ny-way the +++++wind + blows,
does-n't real-ly mat-ter to me, ++++to me
Ma-++++ma, just killed a +man
+++Put+++a gun a-+++++gainst his head
Pulled my trig-+++ger, +++++++now he's +++dead+++++
Ma-+++ma, life had just be-gun
But+++++ now I've gone and +++++thrown it all + a-way
Ma-ma, o-o-o-oh
Didn't mean to++ +make +you cry++++++ If I'm not back a-gain this time to-mor- row
Car-ry on, car-ry on, +++++++as++++if +no thin' real-ly +++++mat - ters
Too +++++late, my time +has+++++ +++++come
Sends sihv-ers ++++++++down my ++++++++spine,
Bo-dy's ach-ing all the time +
Good-+++bye ev-ery-bod-y I've got to go
Got-ta leave you all be-hind ++++++ and fa-+++ce the+ truth++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ma-ma, o-o-o-oh
I don't ++++want to die
I some-times wish I'd ne-ver +++been born at all +
I see a lit-tle sil-hou-et-to of a man
++Scar- ++a- ++mouch, scaramouch++ will you do the fan- dan- go-Thun-der- bolt and light- ning- ver-y ver-y frighte-ning me
+Gal-+lil-e-o +Fi-ga-ro +Mag- ni- fi- co
I'm just a poor ++++boy no-bo-dy loves me
He's just a ++++poor boy from a poor fam-i-ly
Spare him his life from++++this ++++++++++++monstrosity Eas-y come eas-y go will you let me go Bis mil lah! No we will not
Let you go let me go
Nev-er nev-er nev-er nev-er let me go No, no, no, no, no, no, no
Oh, ma -ma mi-a ma-ma mi -a, ma-ma mi-a let me go Be-el-ze-bub has++a dev-il put a-side for me
for me for me
So you think you can stone me and spit in my +++eye + +
So you think you can love me and leave me to die + + +Oh + ba-by + + can't do this to me ba- by + +
Just got-ta get out
Just got-ta get right out-ta here +
No-thing really mat-ters
An-y-one can see
No-thing real-ly mat-ters
No-thing real-ly mat-ters to me
An-y-way the wind blows...