
标题:Tactile Sensation


艺人:TWRP (Feat. Planet Booty)

专辑:Together Through Time

  1. Lead Vocals - 人声“嘟”音 Voice Oohs
  2. Back Up Vocals - 人声“嘟”音 Voice Oohs
  3. Doctor Sung - Talk Box - 合成主音7(五度) Lead 7 (fifths)
  4. Synthesizer - 合成特效3(水晶) FX 3 (crystal)
  5. Brass Synthesizer - 合成柔音(暖音) Pad 2 (warm)
  6. Synth Strings - 合成特效3(水晶) FX 3 (crystal)
  7. Electric Piano - 合成特效3(水晶) FX 3 (crystal)
  8. Clean Guitar 1 - 清音电吉他 Electric Guitar (clean)
  9. Clean Guitar 2 - 清音电吉他 Electric Guitar (clean)
  10. Distortion Guitar - 失真音效吉他 Distortion Guitar
  11. Electric Guitar - 驱动音效吉他 Overdriven Guitar
  12. Electric Bass - 大钢琴 Acoustic Grand Piano
  13. Drumkit - 敲击乐器
  14. Hand Clap - 拍手声 Hand Clap
  15. Agogo - 敲击乐器
  16. Claves - 击杆 Claves
  17. Woodblock - 敲击乐器
  18. Tambourine - 铃鼓 Tambourine
  19. Shaker - 沙锤 Shaker

Whispered: Ever time I see youI feel these emotionsbuilding up insideI don't know what to do,always touching on ourtouch screensJust wanna see,Maybe this could be realWhispered So even if its justfor this one timeWhere my body ends andyours beginsAt least I'll always knowfor tonightyour touch is just for meTWRP and Planet BootyFor ever

歌曲: Tactile Sensation (feat. Planet Booty)

Oh ba-by I knew, I knew When you walked in the ro- -om See I’m try-ing, I got to got to tr-y To ma-ke my mo- - -ve So I mov-ed a li-ttle clo- ser To get un-der the light And I’m dan- cing, I’m try-ing to im-press ya, To ca-tch your eye And when you fi- na-lly looked my way I tried to find the right things to say You’re like a vi - sion from a dre-am That I wan-na see in re-al- i- ty, o-oh Al- ri-ght, to-night is the night I’m wai-ting for your in-vi-ta-tion - - - - - One lo-ok and you got me shook Your smi-le is my mo-ti-va-tion One tou-ch is ne-ver e-nough, Your bo-dy is a ce-le-bra-tion - - - - Fa - -st love Sl- - ow hands I want a tac-tile sen-sa-tion You got me wi - - - - red like a sex ma-chine - Thighs fee-lin’ thun-der - - - when ya shake it pa-st me Oh you got them brains ye- - -ah, and you got that boo -ty If you don’t want my love, ba-by tell me what you need And when you fi -nal-ly looked my way I tried to find the right things to say You’re like a vi- -sion from a dre-am That I wan-na see in re-al- i- ty, oh Al- ri-ght, to-night is the night I’m wai-ting for your in-vi-ta-tion- - - - - One lo-ok and you got me shook Your smi-le is my mo-ti-va-tion One tou-ch is ne-ver e-nough, Your bo-dy is a ce-le-bra-tion - - - - Fa- st love slo- ow hands I want a tac-tile sen-sa-tion When we star-ted dan- cing, ba-by it was so - - ro-man- - tic With your hand in mine, I could feel a ting-le down my spine - - And I said ba-by- - -, come to me Your lo-vin’ sets me free Your tou-ch is what I, your touch is what I ne-ee-ee-ed So-oo-oo touch me Al- ri-ght, to-night is the night I’m waiting for your in-vi- ta-tion- - - - - One lo-ok and you got me shook Your smi-le is my mo-ti-va-tion One tou-ch is ne-ver e-nough, Your bo-dy is a ce-le-bra-tion- - - - - Fa-aa-ast love, slo-o- ow hands I want a tac-tile sen-sa-tion Ta-kin’ o-ver, ta-kin’ o-ver, ta-kin’ o-ver I just wa-nt To feel some-thing re-al, ye-ah I just want 'Feel some-thing real BOO- TAY So-oo-oo-ro-ma-an-tic Ting-le down my spine Come to me Lov-in, sets me free Touch is what I Tou- ch is what I need So touch me Mo-ti-va-tion Real sen-sa-tion Fi- na-ly loo-ked my way Find the right things Like a vi- sion from a dream in re-al- i- ty-y-y-y-y Mo-ti-va-tion Real sen-sa-tion Mo-ti-va-tion Ta-kin' o-ver Ta-kin' o-ver Ta-kin o-ver
