By the eyes of the... v e - r y y o u n g it's a s u d d e n good a t t a c kOn our weaknessmyhorseandIc a r r y a n g e rforthandbackbutwe'llmake itsome howyouhave a l lwhat'smineandyou'releadingme nowOntheg a l l o ptomother'sfieldwewouldlose ourbreathfightandyougive melook ofthornsgivel i a r s e v e r ynightget yous o m e h o wleave the r e i n si n - s i d e'cause you'ree v e r ytime wew o n -d e rwhatweleftbackinyourheartscouldyousee we'red r e a m i n gthoughourminds just falla - p a r tTothe site whereflew fromwhenyourpace justscaredmeblindWewill come backandjoke ofdayssold youto the un -kindwewill end up somehowwith a p e a c e -f u lmindand you'releading me nowevery time we wonderback inyou see we'rethough our minds justfall apartbut we will end up somehowwith a p e a c e -and you'releading me now