Heygoodlookin' ....what'chagotcookin' ......puttheneedle intothespoon .......heysweeybaby .........don't yasaymaybe ........Iknowyou'llneedafixrealsoon .......youreyes arelookin'glassy youthink you're realsassy ...but youyou'reheadedforyourdoom ..........look alittleolder but yousure ain't nowiser ......you'rerunnin' forstonecoldtomb ........you'vegottofindoutforyourself .......you'vegottolearnItallonyourown .....allthismessingroundgonnaputyouIntheground needle leave youdeadandgone ...........Isaygone .........start to feel the power ......hundred miles per hour ........on the wrong side of theroad .........eyes are getting lighter ......face Is getting whiter .......going to start feeling the load ........hands a start a shakin' ....feel your mind a breakin' ...wonder why It's gettin' socold ..........bodies feeling icy ....thatbox will fit you nicely ...better say gooodbye to yoursoul ..............you've got to find out you'vegot to learn It all on yourown .......all this messing 'round gonna put youIn the ground .....needle leave you dead and gone .....lookin' .........cookin' ..........put the needle Intospoon ...........sweetbaby ........don't yamaybe .....know you'll need a hit realsoon ........eyes are lookin' glassy .....think you're real sassy .........butyou know you're headed for yourdoom ...........look a little olderyou sure ain't no wiser .....runnin' for a stone coldtomb ..........yourself ........got to learn It all on yourown .........all this messin' round gonnayou In the ground ..... theneedle leave youI say the andgone ............