I've been watch- ing you, you've been hurt- ing too, you give all your love, noth- ing left to show. I have been there too, a- lone in my des- pair, watch- ing life go by, no one who to share. Boy you got it bad, but I got some- thing good, I want to treat you good, in eve- ry way yeah. You will ne- ver feel a- lone, my touch is such a rush, it oh- oh- ov- er- flows. I will give to you the love you seek and more, you're what I'm wait- ing for. I will give to you the love you seek and more, you're all I real- ly need. I will give to you the love you seek and more, so what are you wait- ing for. I will give to you the love you seek and more.
I will give to you the love you seek and more, you're what I'm wait- ing for. I will give to you the love you seek and more, you're all I real- ly need. I will give to you the love you seek and more, so what are you wait- ing for. I will give to you the love you seek and more.
Ba- by here we are, stand- ing face to face, Just the two of us, locked in your em- brace. Now I got it bad, but you got some- thing good, Wo- on't you treat me good, in eve- ry way, yeah. Are you rea- dy, I can feel your pas- sion and your love, it oh- oh- o- ver flows. I will give to you the love you seek and more, you're what I'm wait- ing for. I will give to you the love you seek and more, you're all I real- ly need. I will give to you the love you seek and more, so what are you wait- ing for. I will give to you the love you seek and more.
I got the love, you seek. I got the love, you seek. I got the love, you seek. I got the love.
I will give to you the love you seek and more. You're what I'm wait- ting for. I will give to you the love you seek and more. So what are you wait- ting for. I will give to you the love you seek and more. The-love-you-seek-baby-it's-in-me. I will give to you the love you seek and more. You're-all-I'm-waiting-for-baby.