An electric guitar plays straight 16ths of this D5 chord for basically the whole song. A loop pedal or backing track could be used to do this live.When I was six years I old I broke my legOn the recording, it sounds like Ed plays this bass line on his acoustic guitar through an octave pedal. To strum the song solo, these are the chords.I was running from my brother and his friendsAnd tasted the sweet perfume of the mountain grass that I rolleddownI was younger thenTake me back to whenIFound my heartand broke it heremade friends and lost them through the yearsAnd I've not seen the roaring fieldsIn so longIknow I've grownBut I can't waitto go homeandCymbal swellI'm on my way!Driving at ninety downthosecountry lanesSinging to Tiny DancerI miss the way you makeme feeland it's realwhenwe watched the sunsetover the castle on the hillBreakBreakFifteen years old and smoking hand-rolled cigarettesRunning from the law through the backfields and getting drunk with my friendsAnd my first kiss on a Friday nightI don't reckon I did it rightWe foundweekend jobswhen we got paid, we'd buy cheap spirits and drink them straightMe and my friends have not thrown up in so longOh, how we've grownBut I can't wait to go homeAndOohOver the castle on the hillOoh heeCymbal swellOne friend left to sell clothesQuieter than beforeOne works down by the coastOne had two kids but lives aloneOne's brother overdosedOne's already on his second wifeOne's just barely getting bybutThese people raised me and IIIII can't waitAndI'm on my way[Performed on keyboard]I still remember these old country lanesWhenwe did not know the answersMe feelAnd it's real