Sleep de-prived
An-oth-er chalk-line marks the walls
Form rest-ored
Alt-ered blood-work
Tame the storm
El-ec-tric pros-thet-ic parts
They can't con-tain them
Why, in-cite
The trau-ma
Mag-net-ic north
On the bor-der-line
I don't wan-na talk a-bout it an-y-more
So sick of these quest-ions
I've heard them be-fore
I don't know what it is you want to hear-
The more I stare, the less be-comes clear
Eye for an eye, life for a life
Fight or flight
Nil by mouth
Mor-phine fuels my ap-a-thy
I've be-come the Ror-schach
Could you for-get the un-re-mem-bered
I don't wan-na talk a-bout it an-y-more
So sick of these quest-ions
I've heard them be-fore
I don't know what it is you want to hear-
The more I stare, the less be-comes clear
I don't wan-na talk a-bout it an-y-more
So sick of these quest-ions
I've heard them be-fore
I don't know what it is you want to hear-
The more I stare, the less be-comes clear
I don't wan-na talk a-bout it an-y-more
So sick of these quest-ions
I've heard them all be-fore
I don't know what it is you want to hear-
The more I stare, the less be-comes clear
Eye for an eye, life for a