标题:My Bro Cancervive Cancer
专辑:Single Album
制谱人:Dennis van Freeden
I got-ta spend the day at the re-cord store 'cause it’s the on-ly place I can go to ig-nore what I got and lis-ten to some punk rock I don’t have the cash for chem-o-ther-a-py but I got e-nough for the HO F X col-ored E P oh yeah I know one day I’ll meet Fat-ty and were gon-na be bros if I show up to e-nough Fat Wreck Chords shows and I tell him that I’m dy-ing and I’m des-perate-ly try-ing to see a dom-i-na-trix with rea-son-a-ble rates should I fly to Sanc-tu-ar-y or just go to the Gates in East Oak-land I said that’s kind of a ran-dom thing to say yeah hey he said I’m Bret I don’t have ver-y long there’s some-thing ver-y wrong so I thought that you could may-be write a song a-bout me I said se-ri-ous-ly? I’m un-in-sured and it’s un-stop-pa-ble the doc-tor told me it’s in-op-er-a-ble 'cause my Go Fund Me page on-ly raised fif-ty bucks oh no I think I got-ta go he told me the can-cer was in his brain so I in-vite him o-ver to do some co-caine with me 'cause he nev-er tried drugs be-fore I of-fered him a line then he said he’s not sure I said did-n’t you just tell me that there is-n’t a cure so why not try some ec-sta-sy and coke if you’re gon-na croak? some D M T and K will make you feel o-kay just for one night you might feel like eve-ry-thing is gon-na be al-right then he text-ed me eve-ry day un-til I fi-nally said o-kay I’ll write a song a-bout you be-ing sick but like your life it’s gon-na end too quick