the stars don't shine a-bove our night
the cit-y lights are too fuck-ing bright
so let's let them burn till the morn-ing comes
there's laugh-ter and poi-son to shade our eyes
and if you're look-ing for the rest of us
we're prob-ably hang-ing out by the bar
look-ing for quar-ters for the pool ta-ble
we got the juke-box play-ing G N R
an-oth-er round of beers for all my friends
I thought those sum-mer nights would nev-er end
we all could o-pen up our mouths and say
we are not the world
I could sit in this spot all day
and see noth-ing a-round me change
we could o-pen our mouths and say
that we won't be a part of it
are you lis-ten-ing or wait-ing to speak
in this con-ver-sa-tion?
are you lis-ten-ing at all?
I could sit in this spot all day
and see noth-ing a-round me change
we are not the world
and if you're look-ing for the rest of us
we're prob-ably hang-ing out by the bar
look-ing for quar-ters for the pool ta-ble
we got the juke-box play-ing G N R
an-oth-er round of beers for all my friends
I thought those sum-mer nights would nev-er end
we all could o-pen up our mouths and say
we are not the world
and see noth-ing a-round me change
that we won't be a part of it
in this con-ver-sa-tion?
are you lis-ten-ing at all?
we are not the world