
标题:Hidden Potential



专辑:Return to Wherever

  1. Talk Box - 合成主音2(锯齿波) Lead 2 (sawtooth)
  2. Synth Lead - 合成主音2(锯齿波) Lead 2 (sawtooth)
  3. Acoustic Piano - 大钢琴 Acoustic Grand Piano
  4. Clavinet - 击弦古钢琴 Clavinet
  5. Clean Guitar - 清音电吉他 Electric Guitar (clean)
  6. Clean Guitar - 清音电吉他 Electric Guitar (clean)
  7. Auto Wah Guitar - 清音电吉他 Electric Guitar (clean)
  8. Distortion Guitar - 失真音效吉他 Distortion Guitar
  9. Electric Bass - 指拨电贝司 Electric Bass(finger)
  10. Drumkit - 敲击乐器
  11. Triangle - 响葫芦 Maracas
  12. Shaker - 沙锤 Shaker
  13. Tambourine - 铃鼓 Tambourine
  14. Congas - 敲击乐器
  15. Cowbell - 牛铃 Cowbell
  16. Hand Clap - 拍手声 Hand Clap
  17. Synthesizer - 合成柔音(暖音) Pad 2 (warm)

Unlock it!Unleash it!OohOohoohoohoohoohoohIgnite it!Unlock it!Unlock it!Unleash it!Ignite it!Unlock your hidden potential!gotyougottotoletitoutcomeonba-byyoudobyyoucandoitno--o-o-o-o-o-o-ow

标记:IntroSynth SoloVerseChorusSynth SoloVerseChorusGuitar SoloKey ChangeChorus
歌曲: Hidden Potential

Lift it up And put it down Run real fast Jump off the ground Work it hard Be-cause you de-serve no- thing but the best Nine to five Then o-ver-time Week-end comes It’s your time to shine Come so far And now you’re gon-na put in all on the line Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh Un-lock your hid- den po-ten-tial You can do a-ny-thin’ Un-leash the beast that lies wi-thin Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh Un-lock your hid- den po-ten-tial Trust in your-self and you will set the bar You will set the bar, reach the stars! Un-der dog You’ll show em all O-ver-come A-gainst all odds No holds barred Be-cause you know it does-n’t end at the fi- nish line No no Whi-stle blows Your trai-ning kicks in Blood runs high And you’re rea-dy to win Don’t stop now You can al-most taste sweet vic- to- ry Un-lock your hid- den po-ten-tial You can do a-ny-thin’ Ig-nite the fi- re deep in-si-i-ide Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh Un-lock your hid- den po-ten-tial Be-lieve in your strength and you can reach the stars And you will go far, set the bar, reach the stars! Un-lock your hid- den po-ten-tial Un-leash the beast that lies wi-thin Un-lock your hid- den po-ten-tial yeah You can do, you can do, you can do a-ny-thing!
