
标题:Starlight Brigade


艺人:TWRP (feat. Dan Avidan)

专辑:Together Through Time

  1. Lead Vocals - 人声“嘟”音 Voice Oohs
  2. Backup Vocals - 人声“嘟”音 Voice Oohs
  3. Talkbox - 合成主音2(锯齿波) Lead 2 (sawtooth)
  4. Synthesizer - 合成主音7(五度) Lead 7 (fifths)
  5. Brass Synth - 合成铜管1 Synth Brass 1
  6. Shimmer Synth - 合成柔音(暖音) Pad 2 (warm)
  7. Acoustic Piano - 大钢琴 Acoustic Grand Piano
  8. Lead Guitar - 驱动音效吉他 Overdriven Guitar
  9. Electric Guitar - 失真音效吉他 Distortion Guitar
  10. Clean Guitar - 清音电吉他 Electric Guitar (clean)
  11. Bass Synth - 合成贝司1 Synth Bass 1
  12. Distorted Synth bass - 合成贝司1 Synth Bass 1
  13. Tenor Sax - 中音萨克斯 Alto Sax
  14. Drumkit - 敲击乐器
  15. Reverse Cymbal - 敲击乐器
  16. Woodblock - 敲击乐器
  17. Shaker - 沙锤 Shaker
标记:IntroVersePre ChorusChorusVerseChorusSax SoloBridgeChorusFade Out
歌曲: Starlight Brigade

When I look up at the sk- y, what meets my ey-es? Can I just stand by while the world dies? (While the world dies?) Star-ship i-dl- ing near- by is it my ti-me? I crawl in-side and turn the cock- pit clock- wise, t'ward the sun- rise I hear a voice in the back of my head Screa-ming “This is su-i-cide! Did you hear what I said?” But then it fades into no-thing with the rest of the light and sound I’m on my way out! Lift off! The fire-storm ig-nites. Last thoughts of a life by can-dle-light In-side this spee-ding sa-tell- i-i-ite Half-way be-tween the black and gray is no place for a life to waste a-way I’ll take the road with all the sta-a-a-akes To-day, so ma-ny moons a-way I safe-ly sa-ay that my heart’s true call -ing was ne- ver be-tra-yed (ne-ver be-tray-ed). Ar-rays of en-e- mies a-wai- it, but fears al - lay We stand as one. A bond be-yond the vast wave, 'til the last grave The miss-ion or-ders typed and lights up our screens Ig-ni-tion flights. A thou-sand minds move si-mul-ta-ne-ous-ly In-to the night a fleet of fi-re-light jet en-gines scream. Turn the ke-ey This is my des- tin- y! Last flight! I’d glad-ly give my life for one night as a jus-tice ac-o-lyte Light shines on-ly for the bli- i- nd Es-cape the end-less dream of space: black seas that I can’t na-vi-gate Lo-cate the great Star-light Bri- ga- a- a- ade Lift off! The fi-re-storm ig- nites. Last thoughts of a life by can-dle-light In-side this spee-ding sa-tell - i- i- i- i- ite Half-way be-tween the black and gray is no place for a life to waste aw-ay I’ll take the road with all the sta-a-a-a-akes Black knights and dark side batt-le- cries all die once they’re in my line of sight This fight is all I know that’s ri-i-i-i-ght No fate but that of which we make No-ble as the oath we un-der-take We are the great Star-light Bri- ga-a-a-a-ade! We have come so fa-a-ar, be-yond the most dis- tant st-ar Star-light with- in will gui-ui-de us to the o-ther si-ide In-side this spee-ding sa-tell- i-i-i-i-ite I’ll take the road with all the sta-a-a-a-akes (Star-light Bri-ga-a-ade) This fight is all I know that’s ri-i-i-i-ight We are the great Star-light Bri-ga-a-a-a-a-ade! Star-light Bri-ga-ade
