Beings of dis-grace Once A-ri-sen from dust What they dic-tates de-ceit and lust Fool-ish ones Des-guise of truth Your end shall come and you shall meet your -doom In-side your mind in-side your lies Find your death Mind-less wretch Try to hide Be-hind the mask of your Hipo-cri-sy -U-na-ble to see the truth Your life is a lie -The path of the wi-cked --That lies be-fore you The blind-ness of your Hi-po-cri-sy -U-na-ble to see the truth Your life is a lie -The path of the wi-cked --That lies be-fore you The blind-ness of your Hi-po-cri-sy -No-thing -you shall know What you reap you shall sow Blind you are To the truth By our hand we shall bring your -end The mad-ness be-gins In its twis-ted grin The reflec-tion of your fool-ish life Reveal-ing the lie of your own -Hi-po-cri-sy -U-na-ble to see the truth Your life is a lie -The path of the wi-cked --That lies be-fore you The blind-ness of your Hi-po-cri-sy -U-na-ble to see the truth Your life is a lie -The path of the wi-cked --That lies be-fore you The blind-ness of your Hi-po-cri-sy --Hi-po-cri-sy -U-na-ble to see the truth Your life is a lie -The path of the wi-cked --That lies be-fore you The blind-ness of your Hi-po-cri-sy -U-na-ble to see the truth Your life is a lie -The path of the wi-cked --That lies be-fore you The blind-ness of your Hi-po-cri-sy