You're pro-bably think-ing to your-self
"Nin -ja Sex Par-ty, you're awe- some!"
We kno-w
But thank you a-ny-way
You're ha -ving trou-ble de-ci-ding
Which one of us to have sex with
That's nat-ural
But nice of you to say
Well may -be I can help you o-ut
Clear up all of your con-fus-ing doubts
Do you want sex with a nin-ja
Or sex with a guy like me
The choice should be so ob-vi-o-us [Dan]
And al-though he is mys-ter-i-ous [Brian]
Don't you want a man who's tall who's name is Dan
And is Jew-ish
One o-ther thing..
E-very-one in the band has an S-T-D
Ex-cept for me
By the pro-cess of e-lim-in-a-tion
You can make de-ter-min-a-tions
On who just that might be
It's Bri-an
Bri- an has an S-T-D