
标题:And Even Now

艺人:The Bitter Springs

专辑:And Even Now

作词:Simon Rivers

作曲:Simon Rivers

节拍:Moderate ♩ = 130


和弦:E C#m F#m B B7

  1. GUITAR - 钢弦吉他 Acoustic Guitar(steel)
  2. Vocals - 单簧管 Clarinet
  3. Percussion - 敲击乐器
注释:Andev-ennowthere's some- thingherethatbrings mebackthatmakes mecarewithfree-dom ofmove-mentandfree-dom ofspeechsome ofusprac-ticewhatoth-ersjustpreachAnd ev-ennow-ow- wowI'd jack itallbe- fore I'dbegbe-fore I'd crawlgoodguyscomelastthatsuitsmefi-neI'veseenwhatli-esbe-yond the fin- ish- ingli-neIsearch forlightIhope forfaithand ev-ennowthefaint- esttraceAndbythewayLet'snotfor-getYoumake yourbedthen you dieinitI'djack itallcause that's notmeIdon't play gamesI'mnotMor- iss-seyAnd aft-erallthebirds haveflo-wnEv-ennowthenest's stillwarm theneststillglowsINSTRUMENTALWewon'ttaketimewe'll nottakecareWe're wait- ing forsomeoneelsetocleartheairAndev-ennowatthislatestageIwon'tsub-scribetoa bet-terpla-a-aceI builtitupi'llsmash itdo-wnForIamGo-odandI'm aclownAnd aft-erallthebirds haveflo-wnEv-ennowthenest's stillglowsCause that'smyhomeREPEAT TO FADE
歌曲: And Even Now

[ And even now I'd Jack it all Before I'd beg before I'd crawl Good guys come last and that suits me fine I've seen what lies behind the finishing line ]
