John the Bap- tist Who was that beard- ed man some called wild. Preached by the riv-er side all the while. A man with a bod- y of a moose, warn- ing his peo- ple to get loose from the De- vil. John the Bap- tist He could have been a Gen-eral or some Na- tions king spoke with great a- thor- ity and his true- some heart did String. Dressed him- self in Ca- mel skin on Lo- cust did ex- ist, He proudly wore the name, John the Bap- tist.
Born to a wo- man much to old. Dad that feat- ured out we are told. Born in all Is- rael to re- pent, a boy run- ing from mes- si- ah he was sent, to preach the King- dom, John the Bap- tist.
Spoke to a rul- er there we are told, words a- bout his wife, that knocked us cold, she nev- ver was sat- is- fied un- til, the voice of a preach- er man was si- lent and still, by be- head- ing John the Bap- tist.