Hey! We woke up in A meri can waste land, fig ur ing out, where this place is. You can drive me all nigh ight. List en ing to eve ry body's sto ries, cos i've found my dreams are too bo ring. Where are we sleep ing to nighi it? Catch me when I fall do wn. Catch me when I fall do. Can we dance more, what are we wait ing for? I i'm right here. Once, twice, on the floor. What am I wait ing for? Cos you, you're right here. Your lips can drive me cra zy, while im think ing def in it ly may be. Lights out right from the sta art. Waste land town can make things awk ward. While i'd be am azed at mov ing for ward. Where are we slee ping to nigh ight. I'll catch you when you fall do wn. Catch you when you fall dow. Can we dance more, what are we wait ing for? I i'm right here. Once, twice, on the floor. What am I wait ing for? Cos you, you're right here. Can we dance more, what are we wait ing for? I i'm right here. Once, twice, on the floor. What am I wait ing for? Cos you, you're right here. Can we dance more, what are we wait ing for? I i'm right here. Once, twice, on the floor. What am I wait ing for? Cos you, you're right here. When i. i'm right here and you you're right here