标题:Jigolo har Megiddo
制谱人:Teemu Kielinen (teemu.kielinen@gmail.com)
HarpsichordBell(almost whispering)Lead Synth w/ Vibrato
I am the one who preys on weak_ I of - fer eve- ry-thing they seek_ And I am the son who co-mes rich- ly en-do-wed Har-ves-ting crops of fields that ot-hers have plo- wed I am the one las-ci-vi-ous_ I am the son of one be-low_ The pro- ge-ny of beast of woe_ And I am the one who co-mes in-to the daugh-ters of men_ Des-troy- ing all and make them want it a- gain I am the son las-ci-vi-ous Aa- - -aah! He's the one de-sac-ra-li-zer He's the son of the en-ti-cer The all see-ing sub-terra-ne-an kai-ser He's the way, he's the way I am the way_ And you in-vi- ted me to stay__ How- ev-er fair and pu-re , you crave the wand_ You see through me what lies bey-ond__ I am the one las-ci-vi-ous_ I am the one las-ci-vi-ous_ I am the one las-ci-vi-ous_ With ma-gic po-tion ni-ve-ous_