Why am I so starry eyed? -Starry eyed and -myst-i-fied-Every -time I look at you-All those stars come in-to view -And it seems that I'm in love-With an an-gel from above- I ask my heart. My heart replied-"Yes. That's just why you're so Starry- Eyed" ("Yes. That's just why you're so Starry-Eyed) When we touch I hear ang-els sing And when we kiss I-hear Wed-dng bells ring-I can'nt ex-plain what I feel in-side-But I know it's love-to love At last I know why I'm starry eyed- Starry eyed and -myst-i-fied-All my dreams are coming- true-Just be-cause I'm so in love with you-(Be-cause I'-m so in love with-you)-When we touch I hear ang-els sing And when we kiss I-hear Wed-dng bells ring I can'nt ex-plain what I feel inside -But I know it's love-to love at last I know why I'm starry eyed- Starry eyed and -myst-i-fied-All my dreams are coming- true-Just be-cause I'm so in love with you (Just be-cause I'm so in love with-you) Starry Eyed --- Starry Eyed -- Starry Eyed