You don’t know what it’s like
to walk a mile in con-crete shoes
You don’t know what I’m like-
You ne-ver saw my point of view
The tra- ffic lights all point me home
a- way from you
Dawn holds the key to bet- ter days
now that we’re through
2 A.- M. streets are empty-
un-like the grid-lock in my mind
My ear-drums are still ringing
from the last fight we left be-hind
The tra- ffic lights all point me home
a- way from you
I let you in you shut me out
a-part for good
Get out Get out Get out Walk out Walk out Walk out
Na-vi-gate through a minefield
with egg-shells strapped on-to my feet
Our last words have been spoken I let you in, you set me free
The tra- ffic lights all point me home
a- way from you
Dawn holds the key to bet- ter days
now that we’re through
Oc-to- ber rain
will guide me home
a-way from you
I let you in you shut me out
a-part for good