Af-ter tak-in' near-ly ev-ery sha-dy l-a-dy home
I got an itc-hy feel-in' un-der my skin
so I grabbed my rags and packed my b-a-gs
and got back on the road a-gain
to look for par-a-dise
I need-ed su-gar and spice
I rea-lly need-ed a hol-i-day
My main con-cern was which di-rec-tion to turn
I was look-in' for-ward t-o the treat
there's no par-a-llel, it's stran-ger than hell
to pull the rug from un-der my fe-et
I've been lov-in' ev-ery-thing in sight
still this time I knew the feel-in' was ri-gh-t
'cause I wan-ted ev-ery-day to be
a hol-i-day
when it's in par-a-di-se
well, love's a hol-i-day
when it's a su-gar and spice
It's sweet as a sto-len kiss
it's strange in its own spe-cial way
Love, love, love's a hol-i-day
Now it don't seem strange that the more I change
the more the feel-in' in-spires
un-der-stan-ding's what a man pro-te-cts
love's what his poor so-ul de-sir-es
I've been lov-in' eve-ry-thing in sight
Now this time I know the feel-ing-'s ri-gh-t
'Cause I know that eve-ry-day can be
a hol-i-day
when you're in par-a-di-se
well, love's a hol-i-day
and it's a-su-gar and spice
well, love's a hol-i-day
when you're in par-ad-i-se
well, love's a hol-i-day
when it's a-su-gar and spice
and all things nice