



  1. Electric Guitar - 清音电吉他 Electric Guitar (clean)
  2. Baritone Voice - 人声“嘟”音 Voice Oohs
歌曲: Verses

Yes-ter-day, I was a word left with no-o voice to-o spe-eak in. Now I am a ha-ppy song, placed on the li-ips of a wo-o-man. Buy her pre-sents that light up, as the ea-arth un-der thi-i-is song. By her sound my ver-ses flow, please don't you e-e-ver stop si-ing-ing. M-mh, o-oh. Now she has me un-der her skirt. Lies down with me in-to our world. Where all I ha-ave heard turns to new. And all I a-am worth de-pends on you. Come babe, let lo-ove have this e-even-ing. Come babe, let lo-ove have this e-even-ing. Life was not a-ware of me and I was-n't a-ware of li-ife. Now it's flames, they warm my heart. They light the path to the wa-ter. Where she has me un-der her skirt. Where she tells me. Come babe, let lo-ove have this e-even-ing. Come babe, let lo-ove have this e-even-ing. Come babe, let lo-ove have this e-even-ing. Come babe, let lo-ove have this e-even-ing.
