标题:C A G E D Sequence Major
副标题:12 keys cycle of 4ths Startin with E
和弦:E E5 (shape D) E (shape C) E (shape A) E (shape G) E (shape E) A A (shape G) A (shape E) A (shape C) A (shape A) D D (shape C) D (shape A) D (shape G) D (shape E) D5 (shape D) G G (shape E) G5 (shape D) G (shape C) G (shape A) G (shape G) C C (shape A) C (shape G) C (shape E) C5 (shape D) C (shape C) F (shape E) F5 (shape D) F (shape C) F (shape A) F (shape G) Bb (shape A) Bb (shape G) Bb (shape E) Eb (shape D) Eb (shape C) Eb (shape A) Eb (shape G) Eb (shape E) Ab (shape G) Ab (shape E) Ab (shape D) Ab (shape C) Ab (shape A) Db (shape C) Db (shape A) Db (shape G) Db (shape E) Db (shape D) F#/Gb (shape E) F#/Gb (shape D) F#/Gb (shape C) F#/Gb (shape G) B (shape A) B (shape G) B (shape E) B (shape D)
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