Who said you're not per-fect,
Sil-ly pho-to on the wall?
You dream a-bout big love,
Sus-pect it all in vain.
It all in vain.
Who said you're not hap-py,
Sad ca-sual stran-ger in the park?
How could you guess a-bout it,
How dare he has no-ticed?
So pret-ty wings are bro-ken,
And deep scars will ne-ver heal no more.
But thorn bird sings the song
Till the end, un-til it's death!
Some-one called you by name,
And you hope that some-one needs you.
Some-times it seems like sal-va-tion,
Some-times it seems like a jinx.
Like a jinx!
So pret-ty wings are bro-ken,
And deep scars will ne-ver heal no more.
But thorn bird sings the song
Till the end, un-til it's death!
No-bo-dy near,
Re-mem-ber e-very tear,
Hide your fear.
In lone-some world,
You're wait-ing for the night
To meet your shade!
So pret-ty wings are bro-ken,
And deep scars will ne-ver heal no more.
But thorn bird sings the song
Till the end, un-til it's death!
So pret-ty wings are bro-ken,
And deep scars will ne-ver heal no more.
But thorn bird sings the song
Till the end, un-til it's death!