I磛e introduced first every mode with its original tonic
note; you can play any mode in any key, but in the
ancient Grece they didn磘 work this way: Dorian mode,
for example, was always used on D key.
After the presentation of the modes, I磛e put them all
on the same key (A in this example) to make easier
to you the work to find the differences among them.
Now, a little explanation of each one (original notes in
JONIC MODE (Do): our Major Scale. Intervals: 2
major, 3 major, 4 exact, 5 exact, 6 major, 7 major.
DORIAN MODE (Re): Intervals: 2 major, 3 minor, 4
exact, 5 exact, 6 major, 7 minor.
FRIGIAN MODE (Mi): Intervals: 2 minor, 3 minor, 4
exact, 5 exact, 6 minor, 7 minor.
LIDIAN MODE (Fa): Intervals: 2 major, 3 major,
4 augmented, 5 exact, 6 major, 7 major.
MIXOLIDIAN MODE (Sol): Intervals: 2 major, 3
major, 4 exact, 5 exact, 6 major, 7 minor.
EOLIC MODE (La): our Minor Scale. Intervals: 2
major, 3 minor, 4 exact, 5 exact, 6 minor, 7 minor.
LOCRIAN MODE (Si): Intervals: 2 minor, 3
disminished, 4 exact, 5 exact, 6 minor, 7 minor.