

艺人:Mike Dawes

制谱人:Mike Dawes

You are a nice person. Thank you for buying this TAB. I hope you enjoy learning this arrangement :)

Key: (For the abbreviated 

Scr: 'Scratch Pad' - attack surface of the top with nails for a quick 'scratch'. At face value it's that simple, howeve
r there is a piece of spruce wood taped to the soundboard to assist the scratch sound (taped on one, not both sides) 

It may s
ound unusual, but seriously It's a really simple method that protects your guitar. No expensive equipment, no glue, no jacket r
equired. I can testify that it works extremely well.

Going back to the performance notes...

BDT: Bass drum technique on the s
cratch pad area of the top

SS: Side snare, fingers hit cutaway

Nails: Fingernails hit top

Thumb click: Thumb hits bass strin
g to create snare or 'click' sound

Nails on top: Same as 'Nails' but above soundhole

Hole: fingernail runs into rim of soundh
ole after strum

节拍:Moderate ♩ = 124

  1. Steel Guitar - 钢弦吉他 Acoustic Guitar(steel)
  2. Percussion - 敲击乐器
歌曲: Titanium