Yeahyeah..............Heis aman forced to livewiththerats.........Butheisdying fora smile fromyou....He is a manwithoutahomein his life........Isthatareasontowalkon the line....It's like a game............Don't mess around........Don't be a fool........soJust go on.................Nolifeofdoublestandard..whathe'slookingfor...Onlyadream....oftenderdelight.......moreabloodyfoolInthisdirtytown.........Sogetaway....takeyourownline.....Hardis the game..............Don't turn around..............You make the rules so...hold your ground..He's got aheartofgold............Thebrain to realise he leads the better life.. He's got aHeartgold.... Sofree your mindlive with a smile...................Heartofgold...Just like a diamond in the rough..He is dying for aTouchfromyou........No more a bloody foolIn this God damned town.............Please be strong.......for just one time..........So play this game.....and move the pawns............It's up to you.....So justgo on.............. He's got agold....... The heart to free his soul the heart to reach the goal....... Sweet littlegold........Sofree and fine....Live with a smile.................Livewithasmile..............onyouryourface..............Ha..........Ha...............Interlude......Hard is the game...........Don't turn around............. No more a fool...So just go on.............He's got aheartThe brain to realiseHe leads a better life... He's got aHeartgold...free your mindLive with a smile He's got agold...The heart to free his soulthe heart to reach the goalSweet little........goalSo free and fineLive with a smile.....................Just live with a smileonyourface.............So just go on......... go on......With your heart of gold................Don't turn aroundYou make the rules...................So hold your ground.............Sweet little heart of gold...............Sweet little heart of gold...............