标题:The Book Of Heavy Metal
副标题:(Dream Evil cover)
艺人:Arch Enemy
作曲:tab by FIlin69
袜痤 忸 蜞徉, 铖钺屙眍 镱脲珥? 潆 箐囵龛觐 蜞 赅 镟痱梃 耱囵嚯? 赅 祛骓 犷脲 蝾黜邋 皲咫囹? 描蜞痂耱? 怦 耦腩 镱漕狃囗 礤 镫铛 牮铎 镱耠邃礤泐 蜞 磬祗滂? 眍 , 蜞 黩 耢桊栩羼? 汶噔眍 觐泐 羼螯 RSE, 漕忸朦眍 礤镫铛 磬耱痤桦 忄豚殓屦 桧耱痼戾眚? 磬耠噫溧轵羼?!! 篷腓 黩? 忸 囫 镨蝈 381808277
节拍:Moderate ♩ = 170
I'd sign a contract with the devil I've tried for so very long I'd die to become immortal That's why I sing this song Am I a wannabe? Have I no dignity? Who'd give up all my life to be In the book of heavy metal In the book of heavy metal In life, I have no religion Besides the heavy metal gods Wear nothing but black skin tight leather My skin is clad with metal studs Am I a wannabe? Have I no dignity? I give up all my life to be In the book of heavy metal In the book of heavy metal Some twenty years ago, the gods put down their feet So firmly in to the ground that no man of sword nor pen Could ever change the rules upon which The very fundament of metal was made Read all about it, in the book of heavy metal Read all about it, in the manual Read all about it, in the book of heavy metal Read all about it, yes, read it! Don't need no flashy house, no kids or ugly wife The only thing I want is what my parents daunt Need no widescreen TV No, in all honesty The only thing I want to be (to be or not to be) In the book of heavy metal I've signed a contract with the devil In the book of heavy metal I'd like to become a star In the book of heavy metal I'd die to become immortal In the book of heavy metal That's why I play the guitar In the book of heavy metal In the book of heavy metal In the book of heavy metal In the book of heavy metal